Monday, September 17, 2007

Perpetuating Navajo IV: Contemporary Dine Poets

C o n t e m p o r a r y
D i n é
P o e t s
An Evening of Cultural Perspective and Talent

Sherwin Bitsui, Tucson, AZ
Esther Belin, Durango, CO
Also, Zoey Benally, Shiprock, NM Venaya Yazzie, Huerfano, NM ____________________________________

Friday, October 19 7:00 - 9:30 pm Totah Theatre 315 Main Street Historic Downtown Farmington, NM This event is FREE event has been generously sponsored by the An author book sale and signing will immediately follow F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : N W N M A C @ 505-947-7086 or Northwest New Mexico Arts Council (*Donations will be taken)


Contact Person(s):
Flo Trujillo, NWNMAC President

Venaya Yazzie, NWNMAC Secretary
505-947-7086 or 324-1751

Company Name:
Northwest New Mexico Arts Council

Perpetuating Navajo IV: Contemporary Diné Poets

The fourth installment of Perpetuating Navajo IV: Contemporary Diné brings Navajo poets from the Navajo reservation to the Four Corners area that will feature a night of four neo-Native cultural literary voices.

On Friday, October 19, 2007 four Diné (Navajo) poets will emerge from their perspective urban locations to share their poetry at the historic downtown Totah Theatre at 315 Main Street in Farmington, New Mexico. From 7:00 to 9:30 pm poets Sherwin Bitsui, Esther Belin, Zoey Benally and Venaya Yazzie will read their recent poetry works during this free community event. Belin and Sherwin have published their work via University of Arizona Press, while Yazzie has contributed to various national anthologies.

Esther Belin’s book of poetry titled, From the Belly of My Beauty was published in 1999. According to University of Arizona press, Belin is, “One of today’s generations of outstanding Native writers….she speaks with an entirely different voice from that of her reservation kindred.”

Sherwin Bitsui’s book, Shapeshift, published in September 2003. In his book, Sherwin “articulates the challenge a Native American person faces in reconciling his or her inherited history of lore and spirit with the coldness of postmodern civilization.”

Zoey Benally is “a motivated self-starter who spies on prairie dogs on her daily two mile trek to work. She no longer consumes high fructose corn syrup or trans-fatty acids, and she often ponders the temperature and glycogen depletion at which your comrade becomes dinner.” Zoey has read a various literary events in the Four Corners area; she currently resides in Shiprock, NM.

Venaya Yazzie was born and raised in the eastern region of the Navajo Nation. Her poetry is full of instances and connections of the natural world and landscape and the modern idioms of modern pop culture. She has contributed her poetry to various literature anthologies including, Sister Nations Native American Women on Community.

This culturally poetic event promises to bring powerful, contemporary voices of the “neo” Native American, and will give new perspectives to lives of 21st century indigenous individuals. Poets Esther Belin and Sherwin Bitsui will have copies of their books available to purchase. A reception and book signing and sale will be held after the event in the lobby of the Totah Theatre. This is a free community event and donations will be taken to benefit the NWNMAC.

The core sponsor of this event and individual invited poets is the Northern New Mexico Arts Council. NWNMAC will be taking donations to further promote the arts in the Four Corners area. For more information contact Ms. Yazzie at 505-947-7086 or e-mail at

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C o n t e m p o r a r y
D i n é P o e t s

An Evening of Cultural Perspective and Talent

Sherwin Bitsui Esther Belin
Tucson, AZ Durango, CO

Zoey Benally, Shiprock, NM
Venaya Yazzie, Huerfano, NM
Friday, October 19
7:00 - 9:30 pm
Totah Theatre
315 Main Street
Historic Downtown Farmington, NM

This event is FREE event has been generously sponsored by the
An author book sale and signing will immediately follow
F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : N W N M A C @ 505-947-7086 or Northwest New Mexico Arts Council

(*Donations will be taken)